miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

CrowdStar has expanded the feature set of Happy Aquarium

CrowdStar has expanded the feature set of Happy Aquarium by virtual leaps and bounds over the last few weeks. First they unveiled the concept of item collections, allowing users to find not one, but two sets of lost items (shells and Easter Eggs), and now, they’ve created something called Expeditions, which are found in the logbook icon next to the treasure map at the bottom of the gameplay area.

The next time you log into the game, you’ll receive a pop-up alerting you to the new feature, which explains that Expeditions will allow you to acquire “rare creatures for your tank.” First, though, you’ll have to fill your boat with willing friends (Happy Aquarium neighbors).

If you’re above level 20, you can take part in these expeditions. Enter into the feature’s menu (again, click the logbook at the bottom of the gameplay area), and you’ll see that you need to recruit a group of ten different Happy Aquarium neighbors, who will fill the roles of everything from Cook and Deck Swab, to Lookout and Captain aboard your vessel.

For this expedition, you’ll need to recruit all ten crew members in order to capture the Loch Ness Monster.

We’ll be sure to let you know if and when other expeditions become available to complete. For now though, head over to your aquarium to start your journey to find this mysterious and rare creature!

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